Umami Monster - Garage Project - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  May 18th, 2017  
Umami Monster


Strange Brew
9.60% ABV


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Umami Monster from Garage Project
3.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Umami Monster pours a light brown or dark copper color and is eerily opaque for a beer this light in color. Does a monster lurk inside? The aroma is reserved with a slight amount of molasses and soy beans. The taste is right inline with the smell featuring flavors of soy sauce and brown sugar, with a mild mackerel fishiness and a sea weed aftertaste. A slight amount of salt, smoke and a ginger spiciness in the finish give this beer a unique, savory quality. There is no monster lurking in the deep recesses. As strange as this beer sounds, Umami Monster manages to stay completely drinkable; a Japanese restaurant in a glass.


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