Tropical Mist - Pure Project - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 1st, 2020  
Tropical Mist


Blonde Ale
5.10% ABV


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Tropical Mist from Pure Project
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a light, pale yellow color. Not hazy, but definitely not transparent. White, foamy head that thins to a film. Aroma is citrusy and fruity. Taste is a Blonde ale at its core, with some bready, cereal malt flavors. There’s a nice amount of hop flavor, dominated by orange, tangerine, and lemon zest. We get a fair amount of sweetness, with an orange creamsicle undertone. Light body, tangy and crisp mouthfeel. This is well-balanced, easy drinking, and super refreshing.


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