Tovarish - Beachwood Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 30th, 2024  


Russian Imperial Stout
11.20% ABV


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Tovarish from Beachwood Brewing
5.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Tovarish is a Russian Imperial Stout with a color that is dark brown, bordering on black with a half finger of creamy, dark khaki head that thins to a nice film. Intense malt aroma with coffee and dark chocolate. Similar taste, with bold flavors of dark, roasted malt, espresso, vanilla, molasses, and dark chocolate or Mexican chocolate. There's a dark fruit flavor, like chocolate covered strawberries or cherries. Not particularly sweet or bitter - just the right amount of each. Full bodied with a slick, syrupy mouthfeel. Dangerously drinkable for 11.2%. We aged this an additional two years (bottled 12/12/2016) and we're sure glad we did, because this is an exceptional beer!


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