Three Philosophers (2016) - Brewery Ommegang - Beer of the Day.

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  May 16th, 2024  
Three Philosophers (2016)


Belgian-style Quadrupel
9.70% ABV


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Three Philosophers (2016) from Brewery Ommegang
3.4 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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The 2016 Three Philosophers pours a dark amber color. The head is reddish tan in color, about one finger thick, with a bubbly texture. It fades fairly quickly into a thin film. Strong aroma that is sweet, like Belgian Candi sugar and dark fruit. Flavor is malty, as you'd expect from a Belgian Quad, with flavors of dark fruit, dark bread, and caramel. Some earthy hoppiness, and a nice amount of oaky, barrel flavors. Smooth and slightly warming, but the 9.7% is well contained. Medium body with a stellar mouthfeel. Three years seems to be a good amount of time to age this beer, as the flavors are still bold, but have also gained more smoothness and complexity.


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