The Trinity - Monkless Belgian Ales - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 7th, 2021  
The Trinity


Belgian-style Tripel
8.10% ABV


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The Trinity from Monkless Belgian Ales
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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The appearance of this beer is crystal clear, deep gold in color with two fingers of pure white, foamy head and lots of sticky lacing. Lovely aroma of Belgian goodness, especially yeast and fruit. Taste is very much a Belgian-style Tripel with some light, bready malts complemented by tropical fruit and stone fruit. There are some grassy hop flavors and a peppery bite on the back end, creating a pleasant bitterness. Dry mouthfeel that is well carbonated, really allowing the fruit flavors to come through. Overall a really high quality beer and enjoyable from start to finish.


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