The Joaquin Dead Mexican Red Ale - Evans Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  May 5th, 2022  
The Joaquin Dead Mexican Red Ale


Red Ale
5.20% ABV


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The Joaquin Dead Mexican Red Ale from Evans Brewing Company
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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The Joaquin Dead pours a deep reddish chestnut with an off white, thick head that sticks to a nice half-finger for the rest of your experience. Aroma is indescript and hard to pin down but you catch the slightest whiff of caramel and dark bread. The taste is malt forward, caramelly, and breast. It's well balanced with some caramel sweetness and a roasted malt that reins in the sugar. Carbonation is lively and the mouthfeel is on the light side. It's not a complex beer, but it is a delicious one.


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