The Friend Zone IPA - Moksa Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 3rd, 2022  
The Friend Zone IPA


West Coast IPA
6.70% ABV


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The Friend Zone pours a beautiful hazy pink with a one finger light pink head that recedes after a minute. The aroma is all tropical, starting with guava, then moved into a grapefruit citrus and a little strawberry sweetness. The taste was almost like a sour pink lemonade with some floral notes. The bitterness hits you in the mouth with a nice sharpness hop bitterness and maybe some grapefruit pith. It had a balanced sweetness that kept the bitterness in check but it's definitely a West Coast style IPA. The mouthfeel was thick and the carbonation seemed low even though it danced around on the tongue.


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