Strawberry Milkshake IPA - Tired Hands Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 9th, 2020  
Strawberry Milkshake IPA


India Pale Ale (IPA)
7.20% ABV


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Strawberry Milkshake IPA from Tired Hands Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Strawberry Milkshake pours a hazy, golden yellow. Visible sediment and an off-white, frothy head. Aroma is amazing - tons of fruit, almost like strawberry shortcake. Tastes like melted whip cream with blended fruit. Hops take on a fresh strawberry, banana, and apple flavor, along with vanilla and whipped cream. Not much malt, but there's some sweetness in the finish. Medium carbonation. Creamy, syrupy mouthfeel. Didn't know what to expect but this really tastes like a smoothie or fruit milkshake in beer form. Not your typical IPA, but this is something you gotta try.


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