Stone Xocoveza Extra Anejo - Stone Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 29th, 2016  
Stone Xocoveza Extra Anejo


Milk Stout
Strange Brew
8.50% ABV


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Stone Xocoveza Extra Anejo from Stone Brewing Co.
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Podcast: Take Me Down to Cigar City
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It's Leap Day, and being an extra day, we'll take a look at an "extra" beer. Stone Xocoveza Extra Anejo is surprisingly different than its holiday-themed little brother. Where the regular Xocoveza is extremely chocolately on both the aroma and the flavor, the Extra Anejo is more reserved. The barrel aging has smoothed out this beer to the point where the name is the most common attribute between the two. And this is not a bad thing. The regular Xocoveza was outstanding, bold and flavorful, but one was plenty. Extra Anejo is easy drinking and smooth with very little alcoholic kick for being 8.5%. The taste consists of roasted chocolate malts with coffee being the predominant flavor and only hints of red wine and tequila derived from the barrels. This is a hard one to locate, but pick it up if you can.


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