Stone Hazy IPA - Stone Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 20th, 2024  
Stone Hazy IPA


Hazy IPA
6.70% ABV - 35 IBU


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Stone Hazy IPA from Stone Brewing Co.
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Stone Hazy IPA pours a golden sunshine color with a finger of bright white head. It has a tropical and citrus hop aroma with hints of mango and lemon. This beer has a subtle wheat-like malt profile that lingers in the background and lets the decidedly Stone-like hop bouquet to take center-stage. Featuring hop flavors of citrus, tropical, and pine hops, this hazy IPA packs a lot of West Coast taste with very little of the fruit juiciness which is so often associated with this style. Even though 7 of the 15 beers in Stone’s current lineup are hazy IPAs, this beer doesn’t cater to hazy IPA fans nearly as much as it does to Stone Brewery fans.


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