StereoHopic IPA Vol. 1 - Lagunitas Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  May 7th, 2021  
StereoHopic IPA Vol. 1


India Pale Ale (IPA)
7.20% ABV - 65 IBU


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StereoHopic IPA Vol. 1 from Lagunitas Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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StereoHopic pours a very clear, golden amber color. One and a half fingers of white, frothy head and there’s a steady stream of carbonation bubbles. Aroma is dank, but it’s also malty. Taste is smooth and well balanced, with interesting hop flavors along with malts that are doughy with a slight caramel sweetness. Hop flavors are broad with berry, pine, white grape, pear, lychee, mango, and melon. This beer has a magical combination of Mosaic and Nelson Sauvin, and StereoHopic is the perfect name because this tastes like there are two separate channels of hops, with the distinct flavors from each hop standing out on their own. But then they work together to create a flavorful, well balanced beer. Volume 1 was great, and we’ll be on the lookout for the next release.


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