Starfish IPA
What did you think of it? Never Tried ItStarfish pours a super hazy, golden yellow color with a creamy, off-white head. Aroma is more malt focused, with the wheat and oat very noticeable. But also some citrus and tropical fruit hops. The taste is actually really unique for a hazy, NE-style IPA. Very juicy for sure, with tropical fruit and citrus. But there's a slight sour or tart flavor in the fruit that makes it different. Also some rye flavors that show up in the form of a white pepper bite that is mild but still there. Mouthfeel seems to be both creamy and astringent, with low carbonation and just a bit of honey sweetness. Very light bitterness but the finish lingers with that same juicy, tartness that is dry and refreshing.
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cantaloop Aug 17, 2017 at 2:17PM
Damn, that is out of this world hazy.Leave a Comment: