Sea Cow Milk Stout
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Wendy Jul 24, 2018 at 1:20AM
I do not drink beer often, more of a bourbon or red wine person, but the cold, cute can with inviting, soothng brown tones invited me to buy. I sensed its richness and milky ways from the can. so it made its way to my home just by the looks alone. I like it. It is rich, like espresso. almost like an alcoholic cold brew. I wish it had more of a creamy head for sure. I wanted that milk moustache, like I get with an occasional Boddingtons. It is nice, I do think it would pair well with a steak rubbed with coffee beans. Not a beachy beer, more mature, like with a cigar. And hey, maybe a nice neat bourbon to break the bitter. High in alcohol, it bites you a bit with its perfect bitter lingering trail on your palate. Cheers.Leave a Comment: