Roll Call: EC no. 4 - Gun Hill Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 26th, 2017  
Roll Call: EC no. 4


India Pale Ale (IPA)
7.30% ABV - 75 IBU


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Roll Call: EC no. 4 from Gun Hill Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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This 4th edition pours a non-transparent, golden orange color with a tight, off-white head. On the aroma we pick up on both malts and hops, which would be common in an East Coast style IPA. Taste begins with pale malt and bread flavors, but transitions into hoppy yet tart flavors. Grassy and citrusy, with lemon being most pronounced. Also a bit of berry and pineapple fruitiness. East Coast in nature but has the bitterness of a West Coast style IPA. Medium to full bodied with a booziness that can sneak up on you. Mouthfeel is chewy but also crisp. On the finish we get an accumulating bitterness that is strong on the grapefruit notes. A solid IPA, definitely with some bite!


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