Rogue Honey Kolsch - Rogue Ales - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 29th, 2019  
Rogue Honey Kolsch


5.20% ABV - 26 IBU


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Rogue Honey Kolsch from Rogue Ales
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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We reviewed the Rogue Farms Honey Kolsch two years ago. Apparently it was good enough or popular enough to make it into the Rogue lineup. And it is good! It pours a golden, honey color with a very light white head that dissipates down to next-to-nothing within 30 seconds. It has a classic kolsch corn and barley aroma with a hint of honey afterwards, though not overwhelming. The flavor is delicate, a sweet lager taste with a malt grassiness and abundant sweetness. There is a very mild honey flavor in the aftertaste, but everything in the beer is subtle. This is a very refreshing spring-time beer, perfect as the weather gets warmer.


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