Rogue American Amber Ale - Rogue Ales - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 11th, 2024  
Rogue American Amber Ale


Amber Ale
5.30% ABV - 53 IBU


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Rogue American Amber Ale from Rogue Ales
2.9 out of 5 based on 5 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Fourth of July Special 2015
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Rogue American Amber pours a cloudy, orangish amber color with a foamy head that dissipates quickly. On the smell there are hints of brown sugar and raisins. This has a pretty light mouthfeel with a sweetbread flavor and some honey and hops coming through on the smooth aftertaste. Brewed since 1988, it was originally known as Ashland Amber and was brewed at Rogue's first brewpub in Ashland, Oregon.


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