Reuben's Brews Gose - Reuben's Brews - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 1st, 2023  
Reuben's Brews Gose


4.30% ABV


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Reuben's Brews Gose from Reuben's Brews
4.8 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Seattle Show
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Reuben's Brews Gose pours an incredibly clear, pale straw color. There is champagne-like carbonation and a very thin head with tiny bubbles. The aroma smells like pear sparkling wine. The taste follows the smell with a very wine-like quality, a pear and green apple fruity tartness, and a chardonnay-like dryness. It finishes with a dry saltiness and the aftertaste is abbreviated and crisp. This is a fantastic representation of the style and definitely worth seeking out in the Seattle area.


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