Punk'n Pumpkin Ale - Uinta Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 25th, 2016  
Punk'n Pumpkin Ale


Pumpkin Ale
5.00% ABV - 24 IBU


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Punk'n Pumpkin Ale from Uinta Brewing Company
2.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: It's the Great Pumpkin Show
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Punk'n Pumpkin Ale pours a clear, amber orange color with a thin white head. It has a strong and fresh pumpkin and cinnamon aroma. Taste is like bready pumpkin pie, although the pumpkin is somewhat reserved compared with others in this category. There's noticeable cinnamon and nutmeg spice, especially as the beer warms. It also has a smooth and dry finish. Light bodied and very drinkable, this one you could drink all night long.


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