Double Dry Hopped Premiere - Interboro Spirits & Ales - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 19th, 2021  
Double Dry Hopped Premiere


Northeast-Style IPA
6.00% ABV - 30 IBU


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Double Dry Hopped Premiere from Interboro Spirits & Ales
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a hazy, golden yellow with two fingers of white, foamy head and plentiful lacing. Fantastic, hoppy aroma dominated by citrus notes. Taste follows the nose, with huge citrus flavors of orange, lemon, and grapefruit, plus some pineapple and berry. The double dry hopping shines in this beer, creating a huge flavor profile, especially for an IPA at only 6% ABV. Light to medium bodied with a dry, crisp mouthfeel. Above average carbonation and minimal bitterness. Finishes dry with a smooth, citrus flavor that lingers. An excellent double dry hopped IPA!


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