Points Unknown IPA - Stone Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 15th, 2015  
Points Unknown IPA


Belgian-style Tripel
Double/Imperial IPA
9.50% ABV - 72 IBU


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Points Unknown IPA from Stone Brewing Co.
3.6 out of 5 based on 5 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Stone, Cold
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Points Unknown is produced by Stone in collaboration with Wicked Weed Brewing in Asheville, NC and Ecliptic Brewing in Portland, OR. This is a blend between two beers they brewed: a double IPA and a Belgian-style Tripel. It pours a clear, golden copper color with a lot of yellow-colored head. The Belgian yeast comes through on the nose significantly with some fruit and berry notes. On the taste, this is an interesting pairing between the two styles of beer where the sweetness of the Belgian side takes the bite out of the the hop side for a smooth experience.


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