OktoberFish - Flying Fish Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 30th, 2017  


6.00% ABV - 18 IBU


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OktoberFish from Flying Fish Brewing Company
2.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Oktoberfest 2017
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OktoberFish pours a very clear, pale amber color with a thick, foamy, off-white head. The head leaves a lot of filmy coating on the glass. Caramel malt in the aroma, with a burnt but sweet brown sugar scent. Taste has grassy hops up front, then earthy hops on the back end. But the malts certainly dominate with dark bread and chocolate and toffee. Slightly sweet with some noticeable fruitiness, but also some hop bitterness. Above average carbonation with a boozy kick. This is bolder and more intense than most Oktoberfest beers we've had. If you're a fan of malt-forward beers, this might be the seasonal beer for you!


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