Oak Aged Saison - Breckenridge Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 5th, 2023  
Oak Aged Saison


10.30% ABV


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Oak Aged Saison from Breckenridge Brewery
4.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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The Brewery Lane Series Oak Aged Saison pours a clear amber with a healthy head that calms down to two fingers and laces nicely. Aroma is intense grape with a touch of honey. The taste is also intense starting with yeast and moving to grape juice, apple, some pear, very faint oak earthiness and a clove spiciness. The flavors work well together and there's a subtle sweetness that balances the estery yeast. Mouthfeel is medium and carbonation is high. This isn't your normal Saison, it's intense and complex and delicious.


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