Noa Imperial Stout - Omnipollo - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 21st, 2018  
Noa Imperial Stout


Imperial Stout
11.00% ABV


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Noa Imperial Stout from Omnipollo
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Noa Imperial Stout pours a dark brown color with a one-finger head that is dark brown and creamy. It thins pretty quickly but leaves some brown, oily lacing all over the glass. Strong aroma of milk chocolate and caramel. Taste has sweet, malty flavors of both dark and milk chocolate syrup, caramel, vanilla, and lactose. Dark roasted malts impart some burnt coffee notes, along with nutty flavors of hazelnut and macadamia nut. Definitely in the dessert beer category, the taste is big and bold, but the sweetness mellows out with each sip. Full bodied with a mouthfeel that is smooth and silky. Wow - skip the dessert and share this one with a friend instead!


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