New Glarus Enigma - New Glarus Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 18th, 2021  
New Glarus Enigma


Brown Ale
Sour Beer
5.50% ABV


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New Glarus Enigma from New Glarus Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Enigma Sour Brown Ale pours dark cherry red, almost mahogany in color. Head is sizeable, off-white, and frothy. There are some ascending "champagne-like" tiny bubbles. Aroma is quite sour and the smell of cherries and oak barrels really stand out. The taste is big and bold for 5.5% ABV, with initial flavors of cherry, blackberry, and boysenberry. There's woodiness from the barrel and a mild sourness, but much less than you'd expect from the aroma. Sweet malt and molasses round out the complex flavors that remind us of tart cherry pie. Lightly carbonated with a smooth, slightly syrupy mouthfeel. The nice mix of sweet and sour is enjoyable now and would likely age quite well.


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