Murder of Crows - Skookum Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 3rd, 2021  
Murder of Crows


Imperial Stout
9.00% ABV


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Murder of Crows from Skookum Brewery
2.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Podcast: Seattle Show
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Murder of Crows pours a very dark color, completely black with just a bit of red highlights peeking through around the edges. It has a thick dark tan head and is very aromatic with hints of molasses, smoke, and coffee. The taste is similar to the smell with dark roasted malts, molasses, toffee, and some ancho chile chocolate heat in the aftertaste. Based on the appearance, smell and the 9% ABV you expect this to be a strong tasting beer, but it actually maintains a lighter body than you would expect.


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