Monterey Beer - Alvarado Street Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 8th, 2020  
Monterey Beer


4.50% ABV


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Monterey Beer from Alvarado Street Brewery
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a golden straw color that is predominantly clear. We see a steady amount of carbonation bubbles, and two fingers of pure white, foamy head. Lager aroma with cracker-like malts and light, floral or grassy hops. Taste is crisp, clean, and refreshing. It starts with bready malts that have a touch of honey in the background, but it is not at all sweet like some beers in this category. Hops and bitterness are both mild, and they have a grassy or floral flavor, just like we got in the aroma. Would be easy to handle a 6-pack of this.


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