Monkey Knife Fight - Tower Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 26th, 2022  
Monkey Knife Fight


American Pale Ale
5.60% ABV - 35 IBU


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Monkey Knife Fight from Tower Brewing
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a golden amber color, somewhat hazy and non-transparent. Thick white head with a bubbly structure that is long lasting. Pleasant hop aroma, especially for a Pale Ale. On the taste, we get a really nice balance of flavors. Starting with a graham cracker-like maltiness, including a touch of caramel sweetness. Then we get juicy hop flavors of mango, papaya, lemon, and peach. Carbonation is light with a mouthfeel that is smooth and slick. On the finish, we get a touch of spice, for a nice bite. Overall a really tasty Pale Ale from Sacramento.


Firekiller7576's Photo
Firekiller7576 Apr 26, 2023 at 3:10PM
5 however this beer no longer exists. It is now Monkey Knife Fight from Highwater Brewing

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