Mackeson Triple XXX Stout - Whitbread PLC - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 11th, 2024  
Mackeson Triple XXX Stout


Milk Stout
4.90% ABV



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Mackeson Triple XXX Stout from Whitbread PLC
5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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This might be the closest you'll get to drinking chocolate milk in beer form. Mackeson pours totally black and lets no light in, with a one finger tan head that lingers a while. It's fragrant in the most pleasant way - sweet, creamy and chocolatey. Even at 4.9% it's dangerous because you'll down it in no time, wanting another one or five. The mouthfeel is creamy, velvety and light with light carbonation. It tastes like milk sugar, chocolate, and malt. There's a nice sweet roasty quality in it that goes almost unnoticed amidst the smooth and creamy sweetness. It hits the spot year-round for a stout, especially if you're thirsty.


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