Local's Stash: BBA Lawyers, Guns & Money - Crazy Mountain Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 2nd, 2021  
Local's Stash: BBA Lawyers, Guns & Money


10.00% ABV - 56 IBU


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Local's Stash: BBA Lawyers, Guns & Money from Crazy Mountain Brewing Company
4.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Rocky Mountain Beer
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Local's Stash pours a pale, medium amber. Mostly clear with a bit of haze. Two fingers of thick, foamy, off-white head. Smells boozy like a sweet, malty beer. Taste is a bit boozy at first, but then opens up. Apple, cinnamon, and caramel flavors with some similarities to a thick apple cider. Smooth with a bourbon-like sweetness in the finish. Would be great for Old Fashioned drinkers. Creamy mouthfeel and very approachable for a barleywine. Great now but would be phenomenal with a little more age.


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