Space Ghost - Ecliptic Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 15th, 2018  
Space Ghost


8.00% ABV


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Space Ghost from Ecliptic Brewing
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Charge of the Light Beergade
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Space Ghost is a collaboration between Melvin Brewing and Ecliptic Brewing. It's a "session barleywine" that pours a moderately hazy, golden color with one finger of foamy head. Aroma is subdued but has some sweet and hoppy notes. Taste is well balanced with bold hoppiness and plenty of malt to back it up. There's an increasing sweetness but it's not boozy or alcoholic tasting. Mouthfeel is dry with a juicy, soapy texture that is really nice. Medium body and still one that we would consider a sipper. This is not your typical barleywine, and it seems like if you combined a triple IPA with an Imperial Blonde Ale, you would get something like this. Overall a really solid beer!


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