Lizard People - Drekker Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 25th, 2019  
Lizard People


Double/Imperial IPA
Hazy IPA
8.50% ABV


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Lizard People from Drekker Brewing Company
3.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Beautiful appearance with a hazy, golden yellow color and one and a half fingers of white, frothy head. Lots of lacing and pretty good retention. The aroma is fresh and hoppy, with citrus dominating, but also some light stone fruit. Taste follows the nose, with tangerine and blood orange citrus, along with pineapple and papaya tropical fruit flavors. But there's an undercurrent of green bell pepper and herbal hop flavors, followed by resinous pine. Malts are in the background, but have a soft, flaky feel, perhaps there are some oats or wheat in here. Medium body with a dry mouthfeel that is slightly acidic like lemonade. A black pepper spice coupled with an astringent grapefruit bitterness show up in the finish. Very enjoyable with a lot going on, and we would love to try more from Drekker Brewing Company!


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