Lemon Drip - Green Cheek Beer Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 14th, 2017  
Lemon Drip


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Lemon Drip from Green Cheek Beer Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is a beautiful gold, slightly hazy but still crisp looking. Head is bubbly and white but recedes quickly into a thin film. Aroma is strong and unique. Definitely some lemon but also some light coffee notes. Taste is tart and sharp with a lemon citrus kick right up front. The coffee flavors are subtle but noticeable, more apparent on the back end, and they help balance out the strong lemon sourness. The can says this is their twist on an Arnold Palmer, which is spot on, but we see some influence from Long Island Iced Teas as well! Mouthfeel is light, clean and refreshing. You have to like lemons to enjoy this, and if you do, it's a very unique beer and worth seeking out.


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