Kulshan Brewing Company Raspberry Gose - Kulshan Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 22nd, 2023  
Kulshan Brewing Company Raspberry Gose


Fruit/Vegetable Beer
4.00% ABV


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Kulshan Brewing Company Raspberry Gose from Kulshan Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a color that is slightly cloudy, beautiful pink or ruby red with a stream of carbonation bubbles rising from the bottom up. The head is fizzy and white, disappearing quickly into a thin film. Strong raspberry fruit and tartness in the aroma. Taste is full of that same fresh, ripe, raspberry fruit. But the tartness is mild, and not nearly as sour as some Gose-style beers. Instead, there's a huge amount of fruit complemented by a cracker-like backbone of wheat and pilsner malt and a touch of sweetness. Well carbonated with a moutfeel that is extremely crisp, dry, and refreshing. Light bodied and only 4% ABV, but this is bursting with flavor. Summer may be over, but we're looking forward to trying this again next year!


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