Killer Green Fresh Hop IPA - Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 17th, 2016  
Killer Green Fresh Hop IPA


India Pale Ale (IPA)
7.50% ABV - 97 IBU


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Killer Green Fresh Hop IPA from Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom
4.2 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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This year's Killer Green Fresh Hop IPA pours a dark amber, light copper color with a sizeable off-white frothy head with nice retention. Aroma is fresh, dank, herbal and grassy. On the taste, we get some sweet caramel malt up front, but then plenty of hops for balance. Hops are earthy and herbal, but also fruity, with some banana and melon. Resinous with lots of mouthcoating; this even seems a bit boozy. But then there's a mint freshness, especially in the finish. Somewhat tingly and crisp, the mint is like a palate cleanser after a big meal. Smooth and far from bitter for 97 IBUs, this is an IPA that mixes things up a bit with its flavor profile.


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