Jubilation Ale - Baird Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 27th, 2017  
Jubilation Ale


Winter Warmer
Strange Brew
8.00% ABV


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Jubilation Ale from Baird Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Ho Ho Holly Jolly Christmas Beers
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This was the "strange brew" on our Ho Ho Holly Jolly Christmas podcast but it's a "strange brew" in name but not in flavor. This is comes to us from Japan and it tastes a lot like a classic Belgian-style dubbel. Color is a reddish brown, copper and you can't really see through it. Firm, off white head with nice lacing. The aroma is really enticing, with yeast and dark fruit being most pronounced. Flavor-wise we get a lot of dark fruit, maybe some raisins and dates, with a bit of malt and yeast that balance things out. The bottle advertises both figs and cinnamon, but both are pretty subtle. Very enjoyable, smooth, and easy to drink; if you like Belgian-style dubbels, this is perfect.


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