Infinite Wishes 2017 - Smog City Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 9th, 2020  
Infinite Wishes 2017


Imperial Stout
12.80% ABV


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Infinite Wishes 2017 from Smog City Brewing
3.3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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The 2017 vintage pours jet black in color. The head is creamy, one finger thick, tan colored, and thins to a nice film. Strong aroma of bourbon, brown sugar, and oak barrels. Taste is exceptionally smooth, with dark malt, milk chocolate, vanilla, butterscotch, and bourbon. A touch of dark fruit, and lots of wood and oak flavors. The mouthfeel is silky and creamy. Full bodied with a 12.8% that is very warming, but goes down pretty easily. Overall this is a very nice BBA Imperial Stout. Well rounded and balanced – we held onto this for 3 years and it sure tastes fantastic now!


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