Hutte Double IPA - June Lake Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 28th, 2022  
Hutte Double IPA


Double/Imperial IPA
9.50% ABV - 90 IBU


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Hutte Double IPA from June Lake Brewing
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is mostly clear, amber or light copper. Head is thick, off-white, with good retention. Very appealing aroma with both malt and hops that seem to be tropical or melon-like. On the taste, there's a great balance between the hops and a semi-sweet, bready malt base; maltier than most California beers. Hop flavors are across the board, with tropical fruit, citrus, and melon, but then a piney resin on the back end that creates a wonderful stickiness. The alcohol doesn't shy away, with a 9.5% ABV that you can't miss, especially if you're drinking this at a high altitude like June Lake. Medium to full body but light on the carbonation. Finish is sweet but also bitter, with the booziness and 95 IBUs reminding you that this is no lightweight Double IPA. Definitely one to keep you warm on a cold winter day.


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