Hop Ride IPA - Tenaya Creek Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 23rd, 2018  
Hop Ride IPA


India Pale Ale (IPA)
7.20% ABV - 81 IBU


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Hop Ride IPA from Tenaya Creek Brewery
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Hop Ride pours a semi-hazy deep gold color. Head is foamy, off-white and nearly two fingers thick, and leaves quite a bit of lacing on the glass. Floral aroma with citrus pine, but the malt is strong on the nose as well. Taste is interesting in that the big hop flavors of citrus, grass, and pine are right up front, but then give way to a big malt flavor on the back-end that is very grainy and bready. But it's still a hop lovers' beer, and after a few sips, a pleasant bitterness shows up. Body is medium with a mouthfeel that is dry and well carbonated. Not really West Coast or Northeast in style; just a tasty, balanced IPA.


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