Hellboy - Maple Syrup Pancakes Beer - Gigantic Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  May 18th, 2023  
Hellboy - Maple Syrup Pancakes Beer


Strange Brew
6.66% ABV


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Hellboy - Maple Syrup Pancakes Beer from Gigantic Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is dark amber with lots of red highlights. One finger of khaki colored, creamy head with nice lacing left on the glass. Beautiful appearance with an inviting aroma that smells like a full breakfast of doughnuts, pancakes, coffee, and bacon. On the taste, it has upfront maltiness like an amber ale or brown ale. Surprisingly not too sweet or thick. But it's really in the finish where you get the flavors of pancakes covered in butter and maple syrup. We also get hints of caramelized bacon and coffee. It's got all these flavors, and thankfully it's not too sweet and it's certainly not in the dessert beer category. This works so well as a breakfast beer but you could drink this at any time of the day. Well done!


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