Gregorius Trappist Ale - Stift Engelszell Trappist Monastery - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 20th, 2016  
Gregorius Trappist Ale


Belgian Strong
9.70% ABV


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Gregorius Trappist Ale from Stift Engelszell Trappist Monastery
4.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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Gregorius is the only Trappist beer from Austria and it's brewed with local honey that is very apparent from start to finish. It pours a dark brown, opaque color with virtually no head. The scent is pretty amazing: malted barley, molasses, and of course, honey. On the taste you'll find more honey and brown sugar, and it is sweet, but not too sweet. Overall this is a smooth, high quality beer and one of the most distinctive Trappist Ales made.


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