Funky Gold Simcoe - Prairie Artisan Ales - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 5th, 2016  
Funky Gold Simcoe


Sour Beer
7.50% ABV


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Funky Gold Simcoe from Prairie Artisan Ales
4.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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This "funky" sour beer pours an explosive champagne like head that quickly dissipates into a cloudy golden straw color. There is a hoppy simcoe aroma and slight hints of pear. The upfront presence of simcoe hops are ennhanced by the dryness and strong carbination of this light bodied beer. Ever so slight hints of nectarine and peach accompany the crisp and tingly mouth feel. For those wanting to broaden their horizon into sours, this somewhat "funky" beer is a mild interpretation of those overpowering and psychedelic offerings from other brewers. It was a great joy to experience this brew from Prairie Artisan Ales and we hope to get our hands on more beers of the same quality and craftsmanship.


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