Fullerton Haze Hop Blend No. 6 - Bootlegger's Brewery - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 7th, 2018  
Fullerton Haze Hop Blend No. 6


Northeast-Style IPA
6.50% ABV


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Fullerton Haze Hop Blend No. 6 from Bootlegger's Brewery
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Fullerton Haze pours a golden color with a very light haze. Head is about a finger thick, white, soapy and recedes pretty quickly to a thin film. Aroma is strong and juicy with lots of tropical fruit. Taste is unique with tropical fruit and melon and stone fruit flavors. There's a candy-like sweetness on the back-end, almost like a Jolly Rancher but more natural tasting. Dry, but also with a creamy, oily texture and a light body. Long, juicy finish. Not your standard Northeast-style IPA but overall this is pretty good.


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