Fruit Tramp - Dust Bowl Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 7th, 2021  
Fruit Tramp


Sour Beer
4.50% ABV


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Fruit Tramp from Dust Bowl Brewing Company
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Fruit Tramp pours a dark Ruby with a frothy, four finger pink head that dissipates quickly. Visible white sediment floats throughout. The aroma is of slight raspberry and a little tart funk but overall it's very muted. The taste is much the same, muted raspberry and boysenberry, with very little tartness. There's a wheat taste that marks the end of the fruit followed by a dry finish. The carbonation is quite lively, almost like a Dr. Pepper with a light mouthfeel.


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