Firestone Unfiltered DBA - Firestone Walker Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 1st, 2015  
Firestone Unfiltered DBA


English Pale Ale
5.00% ABV - 30 IBU


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Firestone Unfiltered DBA from Firestone Walker Brewing Company
3.9 out of 5 based on 4 ratings.
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This is the unfiltered version of Firestone's flagship beer, Double Barrel Ale (DBA). We filled up a growler straight from the brewery. Pours a fairly hazy (but not overly cloudy), light copper color It has a tempered sweetness with toffee malts and a mild hop bitterness. The unfiltered version is noticeably smoother than the traditional DBA. This has a silky feel, especially on the finish. Definitely worth a try, wherever you can find it!


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