Evolution of the Barrel - Tahoe Mountain Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 29th, 2023  
Evolution of the Barrel


Golden Ale
Sour Beer
6.70% ABV


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Evolution of the Barrel from Tahoe Mountain Brewing Company
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Evolution of the Barrel pours a crystal clear, golden amber color with a steady flow of carbonation bubbles that rise from the bottom of the glass. Head is pretty thin, white, and frothy. Massive aroma of Brett and funk that really lures you in. Taste is splendidly sour at first, with incredible barrel flavors. The middle has oak and funk with a bit of fruit like green grape and tart green apple. Mouthfeel is sharp, crisp and refreshing. Then the tartness returns in the finish. This has been aging in our cellar for a couple years, and now that we've opened it, we can proclaim it as one of the best sour beers we've come across.


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