Espress-O-Boros - Silva Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 2nd, 2019  


Coffee Beer
Imperial Stout
10.20% ABV - 49 IBU


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Espress-O-Boros from Silva Brewing
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Espress-O-Boros pours a dark brown, nearly black color with one finger of creamy, dark tan head. Pure roasted malt aroma with hints of coffee, cacao, and milk chocolate. The taste has very similar flavors, with bold notes of espresso, leather, caramel, and dark fruit. But the two most dominant flavors we pick up on are nuts (macadamia or hazelnut) and bittersweet chocolate. There's an earthy hoppiness in the background that provides a mild bitterness and nice balance to the enormous malt flavors. Mouthfeel is chalky and smooth with a medium body. The 10.2% is well hidden with this enjoyable imperial stout from Silva Brewing.


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