Ellison Tiramisu Stout - Ellison Brewery & Spirits - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 26th, 2018  
Ellison Tiramisu Stout


Coffee Stout
8.00% ABV


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Ellison Tiramisu Stout from Ellison Brewery & Spirits
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Ellison Tiramisu Stout pours a dark brown color with two fingers of tan colored, creamy head. Aroma full of dark malt and chocolate and coffee. Taste is sweet but not as sweet as some dessert beers. Milk chocolate and lactose up front, followed by coffee and earthy hops. Lots of robust malt flavors but the body is light to medium. Light carbonation and a velvety smooth mouthfeel. Finishes with a creamy, cocoa finish. Pretty tasty beer.


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