Drake's Drakonic Imperial Stout - Drake's Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 17th, 2021  
Drake's Drakonic Imperial Stout


Imperial Stout
8.75% ABV - 40 IBU


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Drake's Drakonic Imperial Stout from Drake's Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: California Grab Bag
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Drakonic is very dark brown with a little bit of red highlights peaking through on the edges with a classic caramel tan head. It has the classic imperial stout toasted malt smell. The mouthfeel is a lot lighter than a lot of other beers in this style with flavors consisting of dark chocolate, cream, bitter coffee, and barbecue smokiness. Overall Drake's has managed to pack a lot of complexity into a very drinkable imperial stout.


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