Dragon's Milk Bourbon Barrel Stout - New Holland Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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Dragon's Milk Bourbon Barrel Stout


Imperial Stout
11.00% ABV


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Dragon's Milk Bourbon Barrel Stout from New Holland Brewing Company
2.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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This one pours a dark, kind of hazy black with tan head that laces a little bit and stays thin until the end. The aroma is boozy, dark chocolate, and slight vanilla. It's full bodied but not thick or viscous, and the carbonation is fairly low. Bourbon is front and center from the first sip until the last, and all the way through. There is some vanilla, some roasty malt and some cocoa with smoky oak, but bourbon is really the center of the show.


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