Double Doors - Yorkshire Square Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 1st, 2018  
Double Doors


7.70% ABV


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Double Doors from Yorkshire Square Brewery
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is clear, medium amber with a white head that fades to a thin film. Aroma smells like an Imperial Bitter with lots of malt and fruitiness. Taste is malt-forward with roasted malt giving way to caramel malt and a big sweetness on the back-end. After a few sips, a spice flavor shows up. Not pepper spicy, but more herbal or holiday spice in nature. And plenty of hops that are earthy and piney with a bold, bitter flavor that you want from this style. Medium bodied with low carbonation and an alkaline mouthfeel. Fantastic English-style beer made in Torrance, CA.


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